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Is It Time to Pivot in Your Legal Career?

Posted on October 2023

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Transitioning from your current role demands thoughtful consideration. However, certain red flags in your professional life might indicate a need for a fresh start. These may include feeling burned out, waning passion for your role, or feeling restricted due to a lack of growth opportunities.

If these resonate, perhaps you've already started searching for new roles – online or through colleagues. Yet, if you've hit a roadblock, engaging a specialized legal recruiter could be the boost you need.

Consultants often handle a high volume of candidates per job opening. They, and by extension you, stake their reputation on every recommendation. So, how can you articulate your value to legal recruiters? How can you guarantee they champion you, showcasing your potential fit for specific roles?

Mastering The Basics

At Larson Maddox, we scrutinize resumes. The resume remains a pivotal tool for legal professionals to stand out and progress to interviews. Regardless of where you stand in your career, a meticulously crafted resume is indispensable - it should not just list your skills and experiences, but also stand out without being laden with clichés.

So, how can you catch a top legal recruiter's attention and move one step closer to your dream job?

Digital Profile Check

Your online presence often precedes you. Many employers resort to social media checks before interviews. Therefore, curating a professional online footprint is crucial, especially on platforms like LinkedIn – the hub for recruiters and employers. Update your profile, ensuring it showcases your competencies and maintains a consistent professional narrative, and delete any content that might hinder your prospects.

Flaunting Your Skills

Both employers and legal recruiters hunt for skills that align with job requirements. Apart from your qualifications, emphasize transferable skills, showcasing your communication style, ethical grounding, and expertise. If it's been years since your last job search, now is the time to reflect and update your skills, ensuring each is substantiated with concrete examples.

Consider drawing attention to:

  • Teamwork: Illustrate your capacity to collaborate effectively.

  • Time Management: Display how you efficiently manage tasks and deadlines.

  • Leadership: Share instances of rapport-building, decision influence, and inspiration.

  • Technology: Showcase your tech-savviness, troubleshooting abilities, and security awareness.

  • Adaptability: Highlight your resilience, ability to pivot, and eagerness for growth.

  • Problem-Solving: Emphasize your solution-driven mindset.

  • Communication: Exhibit both your written and spoken communication skills, and your ability to listen.

Choosing the Right Fit

Partnering with a legal recruiter should be mutually beneficial. It's pivotal to align with a recruiter that mirrors your values. Research their ethos, client-centered approach, ethical standing, and track record. Online reviews can be indicative of their reputation.

Stay Engaged

Active engagement with your chosen recruiter is pivotal. Connect via email, LinkedIn, or phone. Regular interactions help paint a clearer picture of your aspirations, enabling more tailored advice.

Your Next Move

If you're contemplating a career shift and you're interested in a legal job and career, you're in the right place. Larson Maddox has been a trusted partner for law firms nationwide, with numerous successful placements. Ready to take the leap? Submit your resume to us or explore our job listings to find your ideal position.
